
I want to find the best peanut butter and beer the world has to offer. They’re my two favourite things I always love them, but I know somewhere there is a PB and a beer that will fulfil all my wildest dreams. 

Do you think you know what they are? If I haven’t reviewed it, would you be kind enough to send me a jar/can/bottle of it? Email me at and we’ll talk. 

In the meantime, check out the reviews listed above in the drop down menu (hover over ‘Reviews’).

2 thoughts on “Reviews

  1. For me the best peanut butter by a Huge Vast Unquantifiable Margin is made by Whole Earth, specifically the “Original Crunchy” version. A distinguishing feature to me the fact that it is probably the ONLY — and I obviously love peanut butter — but the only peanut butter I can enjoy eating straight out of the jar. It’s just that good without being too sweet, salty, oily etc. Tesco stocks this magical stuff.

    1. Thanks Armin, I’m very aware of this and there is a jar in my cupboard ready to be reviewed. So you’ll see what I think of it next weekend!

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