Sainsburys Basic

 Pictured: Jamie holding the peanut butter he gave me on toast as an impromptu snack.
Initially, the supermarkets budget ranges of peanut butter were quite far down my list of priorities – compromise is not an option when it comes to your favourite food.
But when my friend Jamie offered me a dollop of Sainsburys Basic on toast, I took the chance like an impulse buy at a crowded marketplace. A risk, but sometimes you get what you pay for – and more – and this is definitely more.
Flowing like a thick ocean, a later spoonful showed I’d used the right utensil for an extra taste, as it slipped around the spoon like a graceful figure skater. Oiliness abounds, with a silkiness that engulfs the tongue and fills the mouth like fluent French.
This ocean was complete with its salty edge too – and would certainly say something to the crazies of this world who think PB can be classified as a sweet spread. (I talk about this here).
Halfway through came the surprise – ‘SBPB’ passed the melt test. I held the toast vertically and (granted after a couple of minutes of cooling) it didn’t even nearly slip off on to the plate. Usually with oilier PBs this can cause quite a mess. But this one held strong, holding tight to the bread like lovers on a sinking ship
The crunchiness is a little soft (call those lawyers) which gives it quite a cakey texture, but it’s actually quite delightful and decadent, and I think it’s made up for by being on the saltier side of the Atlantic. Bloody good, this one. And cheap!!!
Salty/sweet scale no – 3
Texture: Moist, cakey, decadent.
8/10 Henrys
£0.62 for 340g jar. (£0.18 per 100g)

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