Salty Or Sweet?

‘Peanut butter’s sweet though’ my guitar teacher said. We’d paused the lesson and were for some reason talking about our favourite food, before Neil dropped this bombshell. I stopped noodling on the guitar, my mouth ajar.
‘What are you talking about? It’s definitely savoury?’
Where the conversation continued to I can’t remember, but I know I was incredulous. I’d never heard such lunacy. Sure, it’s got sugar in, but it’s definitely not a sweet thing. Even the sweeter ones are still laden with salt.
Ever since then I’ve had the debate a few times with these deluded people. All I can say is – take a bite of chocolate. Then some peanut butter. Notice the difference? You bet you do.
Next – have a crisp (or potato chip for you guys across the pond), and then have some more peanut butter. Less of a difference, no?
Tell me I’m wrong.
Or have your say in the poll below.
I could have been impartial with this blog, but I think with this issue I’d rather be crunchy than smooth.

3 thoughts on “Salty Or Sweet?

  1. How about both?!
    SWEET: Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter, Honey Peanut Butter, Maple Walnut Peanut Butter
    SALTY: Creamy & Chunky Peanut Butter
    That said, it certainly depends on the brand. Vermont Peanut Butter, for example is not laden with excess sugar and is low in sodium. It’s just plain delicious I guess. The perfect balance of both worlds and could be swayed either way for all eating and cooking purposes.

    1. I guess you’ll have to send me some to try then, eh? I’ve emailed you regarding this! Thanks 🙂

  2. I used to have Tesco 30% less fat and it’s very sweet so I always thought peanut butter is sweet. It’s only recently that I switched to whole earth which has no added sugar and I’m quite puzzled how salty the “natural” taste is! I have to make my own peanut butter to judge!

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