


Rook among the Reindeer – Old Fashioned.


For some reason, a large number of my friends and family have been back and forth to the USA recently. Given that the no.1 reason I wanted to go was to try their peanut butter, this has saved me a lot of money on air fares, and put their luggage over the limit, incurring large fines. First over the line was dear Lawrence, the L-Train, and the biggest Cliff Richard fan I know. 

Filling his luggage was this ‘Teddie’ peanut butter, that you have to mix pretty well before spreading. I’m cool with that, makes me feel like I’ve earnt it. The taste is Subtle – with a capital S. At first I didn’t think much of this and the ‘Teddie’ was forgotten at the back of the cupboard. But I could almost hear it crying in there to be reviewed and eaten, so here it is. Apparently authentically New England, it is actually really nice, and not sweet at all. I wonder if I might be gaining a more grown up pallet as the blog grows. It’s pretty dry, but so are some fine wines. Anyway, I’ve adapted a poem inspired by the little guy on the cover. 

If you go down to the woods / American supermarket today / next time you’re over in Maine,

You’re in for a big, well, not surprise but it might not be exactly as you’d think it will be.

If you go down to the woods-or-supermarket-or-store-as-they-call-it-there today (optional),

You’d better go in a disguise that doesn’t make you look like you’re going to abduct children.

For every peanut-selling-bear that ever there was that I’ve heard of,

Will gather there for certain because (not sure about the word gather, I think there’s only one)

Today’s the day that you are possibly having a picnic and want some peanut butter involved.

Picnic time for teddy bears (you),

The little teddy bears (you and family/girlfriend/boyfriend/mates/work colleagues) are having a lovely time today (but, not today where I am currently because it’s raining, unless you’ve arranged a sort of indoor picnic thing? Anyway it’s a weekday, don’t you have jobs?).

Watch us catch them unawares (presumably not calling ahead, or pretending not to be able to come and then showing up a little bit late to be sure everyone else has arrived),

And see them picnic on their holiday (explains earlier – half term or something).

See them gaily gad about (I’m NOT dancing)

They love to play and shout (also no thanks, I’m not really in to drugs anymore, and my wife wouldn’t approve)

They never have any cares (does explain the sort of general lethargy and indifference when I arrived).

At six o’clock their mummies and daddies (metaphor for cars/public transport?)

Will take them home to bed (early!)

Because they’re tired little teddy bears. (Probably because they didn’t have enough of this protein rich, slow release energy spread we like to call peanut butter.)


Texture – Sandy, Clinging, Social. 

Salty/sweet scale – 2

8/10 Henrys



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